Certified Practitioner of The Albert Protocol for Muscle Pain Relief—An Integrated Approach to Positional Release Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy - By quietly resting the hands on your skull and sacrum the therapist evaluates your crank-sacral rythyms. This in itself can create a shift in energy. Clients and Therapist work closely together. The client clears a mental space that something may occur. The practitioner works with such gentleness and subtleness so the body can heal and make the necessary adjustments. The session can be described as a physically connected meditation.
Integrated Positional Therapy- The Lee Albert protocols for muscle pain relief. This Bodywork comes from the Osteopathic techniques of SCM/MET, a way of working with structural imbalances through slacking muscles to alleviate unhealthy tension, than working to shorten and strengthen overstretched tight muscles that have become weak while lengthening short tight overbearing muscles.
AYT-Advanced Yoga Therapy- This is a private Advanced Therapeutic Yoga Session incorporating hands on assists and energy balancing Protocols that work to undo energy current blocks in the structural and wireless anatomy of the body.
Reiki- Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.
IET (integrated energy therapy)- hands on power energy therapy systems that get the ‘issue out of the tissue’. Is a safe and gentle releasing limiting energy patters empowering and balancing your life.
Tendinomusclar Meridian Techniques- Meridians are pathways that pass through the depressions and planes between the muscles and tendons.